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  • Writer's pictureLaura Terry

2 Bostons & A Pug

Life with three dogs can be ruff at times, but oh so much fun! Read on and meet the gang.


This is Jesse when he was a puppy, aka Jess. He is one of the Boston's and is a very sweet dog. As a puppy he liked racing around the yard super fast, swinging shoes around and around by the strings and shredding paper products. He is also known as the shredder! He was also fond of chewing on trim molding and doors and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED wearing a tire on his head! Other postings will have some great video of his silly antics. Jess is now 11 years old.


Wild Bill Cody, aka Cody Bear, loved to hop and lick. Actually he still does, even at ten years old. We should have named him Mr. Lickles or Mr. Hoppy, but Cody will do. He is Boston #2, he is a very loving dog and a foodie at heart. Not many silly antics beside taking food out of your hand if you have it by your side.


Olive, aka Olive Turbo is our pug. She has a super duper turbo mode with lighting fast reflexes to weave around furniture. It is impressive to watch! This photo was on her first day home so she was feeling a bit scared and sad. She is now one year and 3 months old and feeling much happier and enjoing her brother dogs. Can't say they always feel the same of her. Little sisters can be a bit nippy.

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